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Friday, 19 October 2012

A close up of the loft apartment for the student residence. More close up of the other typical types of apartments to follower.

Loft Apartment floor section

Thursday, 18 October 2012

I have been working on a married student residence and here are some of the preliminary renders.  

Ariel View
South Street View

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Some latest renderings of mine of the Old Tramways building in Port Elizabeth....

Friday, 25 May 2012

It's Friday and three weeks to go till my computers and design portfolio and starting to run out of time. Big weekend ahead of studying and need to finish off my Car dealership design and try build a model!
I am quite sad, as there is some big sport on this weekend and need to have some will power to work and not lie on the couch in front of the TV!
Good luck to the sharks and hope you pull out a win over the Stormers!

Good luck to Sebastian Vettel at Monte Carlo

I will have you guys on the TV in the background!!!

Friday, 18 May 2012

Part of my BTech year is to try and master 3Ds Max, a rendering program from AutoDesk. I am skilled in AutoCAD and Revit, also programs from AutoDesk as i have been working with these programs for about 6-7 years.

My first attempt at a Max rendering, never really getting the lighting or materials right and I think I need to spend a bit more time practising........

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Some images of the South African Flag
South Africa

For the Children

The Friendly Flag


Des Baker Design Competition

I have been struggling to get something on my blog for awhile as I have been trying to come to terms with my new Design project. We were given the brief over two weeks ago and I am still trying to figure out the meaning behind the brief!
Somehow, we have to find a script, existing script of a Building, Blueprints, music or film, etc and re-interpreted
that story into an Architectural entity.....
I THINK, I have a script - The Story of the South African Flag........
Now to break this script up and find the underlining meanings.......Two weeks in and still staring at a BLANK page........

Monday, 2 April 2012

A week of holidays from university..........
Don't want to sit around during the holidays and do nothing and want to get ahead start on my new design project, but don't understand the new brief at all! Its the Des Baker design competition and the brief is very theoretical. Need to find some sort of script and translate that into architecture, Good luck to me!!

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

My first BTech computers assignment is done and it came out quite well, I think!!
Check out the two images below, one is the real image and one is the one I rendered using AutoDesk Revit.
You choose the best one!

Thursday, 8 March 2012

One of the judges for the Caesarstone design competition is Greg Wright from Greg Wright Architects. I checked out his website and found his portfolio very interesting, strong modern feel and great play with materials.

Below is just one of his many projects!

Monday the 12th March is my first design project hand in and I am still no where with my design, going to be a long weekend and hopefully manage to pull something out of the hat!
I have decided to revitalize the old Tramsways building into a boutique organic food mall and as this is a destination building I am hoping to interest people in organic eating and shopping. There will also be a few upmarket shops and a few restaurants and coffee shops to give the building a multi-function.
Part of the project the project is to design a portion of the interior space, with Caesarstone in mind. I will hopefully be part of their an student design competition.
Check out the competition brief and past winners and see how they used Caesarstone products in an innovative way! http://www.caesarstonedesign.co.za/

Thursday, 1 March 2012

The other day I saw a fly without any wings and so I decided to give him some red bull and he drowned......

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Well......the first week of varsity has come and gone and first two projects are well on there way. Our first Design project is to revitalise the Old Tramways Building in Port Elizabeth. I have opt for a hydroponics farm and education centre, with a few restaurants for people to taste the fresh produce and be educated on healthier living.
Hydroponics farming needs no soil and the produce is grown in water, which contains nutrients. the water can
be recycled, which in turn saves water.

North East Elevation of Old Tramways

Old Tramways Building

Check out this cool transformation!
High-Tech Hydroponic Farm Transforms Abandoned Bowling Alley
