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Wednesday, 14 March 2012

My first BTech computers assignment is done and it came out quite well, I think!!
Check out the two images below, one is the real image and one is the one I rendered using AutoDesk Revit.
You choose the best one!

Thursday, 8 March 2012

One of the judges for the Caesarstone design competition is Greg Wright from Greg Wright Architects. I checked out his website and found his portfolio very interesting, strong modern feel and great play with materials.

Below is just one of his many projects!

Monday the 12th March is my first design project hand in and I am still no where with my design, going to be a long weekend and hopefully manage to pull something out of the hat!
I have decided to revitalize the old Tramsways building into a boutique organic food mall and as this is a destination building I am hoping to interest people in organic eating and shopping. There will also be a few upmarket shops and a few restaurants and coffee shops to give the building a multi-function.
Part of the project the project is to design a portion of the interior space, with Caesarstone in mind. I will hopefully be part of their an student design competition.
Check out the competition brief and past winners and see how they used Caesarstone products in an innovative way! http://www.caesarstonedesign.co.za/

Thursday, 1 March 2012

The other day I saw a fly without any wings and so I decided to give him some red bull and he drowned......